Über Organomation

Organomation Associates is a provider of analytical chemistry sample preparation solutions including nitrogen evaporators and solvent extractors. Organomation manufactures and distributes many product lines of nitrogen evaporators for analytical chemistry sample preparation. Our N-Evaps, Multi Vaps, and Micro-titers have been used for over 50 years in laboratories around the world. Organomation's Nitrogen Evaporators (N-Evaps) are extremely well suited for numerous sample preparation methodologies. We have created a diverse product line with instruments ranging from six to forty-five sample positions. Our nitrogen evaporators utilize nitrogen blow down along with uniform gentle heat applied through either water or dry baths to maximize evaporation to concentrate laboratory samples. Please continue to our catalog for more information regarding our Nitrogen Evaporator products. Organomation has recently introduced a new, automated twenty position N-Evap which generates its own nitrogen while not requiring hood space due to the addition of an enclosed hood blower housing. This unit automatically removes samples from the heating medium once the timed cycle has been completed. This automated N-Evap system has tremendous laboratory cost and efficiency savings possibilities. Please continue to our catalog for more information regarding our Nitrogen Evaporator products. Organomation's Multivaps are used in numerous sample preparation methodologies. The nine, thirty, forty-eight and eighty position units are available in high temperature dry bath models, while the sixty-four and one hundred position models utilize our classic water bath to maximize sample evaporation. Nitrogen gas is delivered to each sample via individually adjustable stainless steel needles connected to the hand built gas distribution manifold. Please continue to our catalog for more information regarding our nitrogen Multivaps. Organomation's Micro-Titers are used in numerous sample preparation methodologies. These instruments are available in a single bay ninety six well micro-plate model or a triple bay two hundred and eighty-eight well micro-plate model. These instruments are designed for controlled evaporation of small samples. Please continue to our catalog for more information regarding our Nitrogen Micro-Vaps.

Fakten zu Organomation
  • Gründung: 1959
  • Schwerpunkt : Hersteller
  • Mitarbeiter: 11-50
  • Branche : Laboranalytik / Labormesstechnik

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Themenwelt Extraktion

Die Extraktion ist ein fundamentaler Prozess im chemischen Labor, der es ermöglicht, bestimmte Komponenten aus einer Mischung zu isolieren und zu konzentrieren. Ob es darum geht, Wirkstoffe aus Naturprodukten zu gewinnen, Verunreinigungen aus Syntheseprodukten zu entfernen oder analytische Proben aufzubereiten – die Extraktion ist ein Schlüsselschritt, um präzise und effiziente Ergebnisse in der chemischen Forschung und Analytik zu erzielen.

20+ Produkte
1 White Paper
15+ Broschüren
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Themenwelt Extraktion

Themenwelt Extraktion

Die Extraktion ist ein fundamentaler Prozess im chemischen Labor, der es ermöglicht, bestimmte Komponenten aus einer Mischung zu isolieren und zu konzentrieren. Ob es darum geht, Wirkstoffe aus Naturprodukten zu gewinnen, Verunreinigungen aus Syntheseprodukten zu entfernen oder analytische Proben aufzubereiten – die Extraktion ist ein Schlüsselschritt, um präzise und effiziente Ergebnisse in der chemischen Forschung und Analytik zu erzielen.

20+ Produkte
1 White Paper
15+ Broschüren