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253 Infografiken von compound-interest


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The Chemistry of Vehicle Emissions Reduction & The Volkswagen Scandal

Volkswagen have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. The company admitted to installing a ‘defeat device’ in millions of cars which made it appear in emissions tests that they emitted far lower levels of particular pollutants than they actually did in normal road conditions. Plenty of ...


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Nitrogen-Containing Atmospheric Pollutants

Sources and reactions of atmosphericorganic molecules containing nitrogen.


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Turning Carbon Dioxide into Useful Plastics

The graphic takes a look at the research ofEconic Technologies, a company which uses catalysts to incorporate captured waste carbon dioxide into polymers, which can themselves be incorporated into useful plastics.


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Chemistry Techniques


Anyone who’s studied chemistry will be overly familiar with titrations. It’s an analytical technique that can be used to find the concentrationof a solution (the amount of a solute dissolved in it). I put this graphic together primarily to remind my A level students of some of the key aspects of ...


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Die Chemie des Wodkas

Struktur, Additive und Verunreinigungen

Man könnte Ihnen verzeihen, wenn Sie denken, dass es nicht viel Interessantes über die Chemie des Wodkas gibt. Ist es nicht im Grunde genommen nur eine Mischung aus zwei Verbindungen, Ethanol und Wasser? Obwohl dies so ziemlich der Fall ist, gibt es mehr zu Wodka, als Sie vielleicht erwarten. ...


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Periodic table of oxidations states

Die Oxidationsstufen der Elemente hängen stark mit ihrer Stellung im Periodensystem zusammen. Hauptgruppenelemente haben in der Regel eine geringere Anzahl von Oxidationsstufen. Bei Nebengruppenelementen kann die Zahl der Oxidationsstufen sehr hoch sein.


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How Nuclear Reactors Work

In terms of types of reactor, there are two main variations on the above theme for western reactors. The variations are related to the water that’s heated to produce the steam that drives the turbine. In boiling water reactors (BWR), the source of the steam that drives the turbine is water in the ...


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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a brieflook at some of the many chemicals involved in the feeling of love.


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The Chemistry of the Odour of Decomposition

It’s worth taking a look at the decomposition process as a whole. Decomposition can be roughly divided into four stages: the fresh stage, the bloated stage, the active decay stage and the advanced decay stage. Some overviews of the process also add in a final stage, when all that is left of the ...


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The Key Chemicals in Red Wine

Colour, Flavour, and Potential Health Benefits

Red wine has been espoused over the years for its supposed health benefits, fromclaims that it could let us live to 150, to assertions that chemicals within it can help prevent cancer. Whilst these are no doubta very pleasant means to justify a glass of wine (or several), how correct are they? ...


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