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254 Infografiken


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The Chemistry of Glow Sticks

Everyone’s familiar with glow sticks, but it’s likely that fewer are familiar with thechemistry behind their glow. You may have wondered what happens when you snap a glow stick to activate it; by doing this, you’re actually kicking off a chemical process that eventually leads to the production ...


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The Chemistry of Sparklers

It’s Fireworks Night here in the UK tomorrow, which means fireworks (obviously), bonfires and sparklers. We’ve looked at fireworks in a previous post,so this time around it’s time to take a look at the chemicals that go into producing sparklers, and their various roles. In sparklers, there are ...


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The Chemistry of Poinsettia Plants

Following on from the start of the Chemistry Advent Calendar yesterday, here’s anotherfestive post, this time looking at the chemistry of the poinsettia plant. The red leaves of the poinsettia plant can be used to make a pH indicator, due to their chemical composition; this is actually something ...


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The Chemistry of Highlighter Colours

If you’re currently a student, then you’ll no doubt often make ample use of highlighters during revision. Even if your studying days are far behind, you probably still use them from time to time. But what are the chemicals behind their luminous colours? This graphic looks at some of the possible ...


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Chemical Warfare & Nerve Agents

Part I: The G Series

Today’s graphic looks again at the darker side of chemistry, after the previous post on the various chemical agents used in World War 1. The present day spectre of chemical warfare is largely concerned with nerve agents, which come in two main groups; today’s post examines the G series of nerve ...


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Chemical Warfare & Nerve Agents

Part II: The V Series

It’s been a little while since the last post on chemical warfare agents on the site, in which we looked at the G series nerve agents, including sarin and tabun. The secondof the two graphics looking at nerve agents focuses this time on the V series, including the infamous VX. The V series ...


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The Chemistry of Moisturisers

It’s the middle of summer, and hopefully, if you’re heading out in the sun, you’re taking the precaution of applying sun cream beforehand. Sometimes, however, you can end up with sunburn despite your best efforts to prevent it. After sun and moisturisers can help to soothe the burn – here, we ...


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The Chemistry of Deodorants vs. Antiperspirants

Deodorants and antiperspirants are products that the majority of us make use of everyday. The two terms aren’t interchangeable, however; there is a difference in the manner in which they act to reduce body odour. Today’s graphic is a collaboration with ACS Reactions looking at the chemical ...


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Why Does Asparagus Make Urine Smell?

The Chemistry of Asparagus

The latest food chemistry graphic looks at the chemistry of asparagus – specifically, why it causes the urine of some (but not all) people to smell. Over the past forty years several papers have been published on the subject, and several studies undertaken, to try and determine the chemical ...


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Toxizität & Aphrodisie

Die Chemie der Schokolade

Valentinstag, ein passender Zeitpunkt, um die Chemie der Schokolade für die neueste Grafik der Lebensmittelchemie zu untersuchen. Insbesondere konzentrieren wir uns hier auf die beiden häufig erwähnten Wirkungen des Schokoladenkonsums: die vermeintliche aphrodisierende Wirkung und die schädlichen ...


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