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Nobelpreis für Physik 2017
Heute wurde der zweite Nobelpreis für Naturwissenschaften verliehen. Der Preis für Physik ging an Forscher, die zur Beobachtung von Gravitationswellen beitrugen, die vor über einer Milliarde Jahren durch das Zusammenstoßen von schwarzen Löchern entstanden sind.
Nobelpreis für Chemie 2017
Heute wurde der letzte Nobelpreis, der Chemie-Nobelpreis, verliehen. Der diesjährige Preis ging an die Entwicklung der Kryoelektronenmikroskopie, einer Technik, mit der sich Strukturen von Biomolekülen aufdecken lassen, wo andere Techniken versagen. Außerdem erhalten die Wissenschaftler Einblicke ...
in C&EN
In this month’s Periodic Graphics in C&EN, we’re looking at the chemistry behind the recent news stories of lithium-ion batteries in some devices catching fire.You can see the full graphic over on the C&EN site.Also, for more lithium battery chemistry,head over to the recent RealTimeChem Week ...
Even if you’re not a chemist, you’ll doubtless remember learning about acids back in school. They’re routinely described as strong or weak, concentrated or dilute. But what’s the difference between a strong acid and a concentrated acid? Explaining that is a little trickier than it sounds; in this ...
Here’s the latest graphic from Chemunicate (the Compound Interest side project that works with chemistry researchers and institutions to highlight their research in graphical form). This graphic is a collaboration with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) and looks at their recent ...
Carothers, Condensation Polymerisation, & Nylon
On this day in 1896, Wallace Carothers was born. Listed by C&EN magazine intheir recent list of scientists who should have won a Nobel prize, we have Carothers to thank for nylon, which can be used in clothing, carpets, car parts and more. Here’s a quick look at the chemistry behind the ...
Today marks 71 years since the first nuclear weapon detonation. Codenamed ‘Trinity’ it was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Jornada Del Muerto desert in New Mexico. This graphic takes a brief look at the device itself, and also at trinitite, the pale green glass left behind as a remnant of the ...
Today, 30 August, marks the birthday of Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford is primarily considered a physicist, but his contribution to our understanding of the atom is also important to chemistry. He was also a chemistry Nobel Prize winner, for his work on radioactivity. This graphic looks in detail ...
Two hundred and fifty years ago today, John Dalton was born in the small town of Eaglesfield, Cumbria, in England. Though his background was entirely unassuming, he would go on to take pioneering steps in developing our ideas about elements and atoms, as well as making the first attempt at ...
Part I
Recently, some of my classes have been revising types of chemical reactions, which inevitably set me thinking about how to represent them visually in an easy to understand way. These are the first few posters I’ve come up with – each has a large icon representative of the reaction type, as well ...
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