Patrick Koller is appointed President, Rhodia’s Polyamide Intermediates Enterprise


Paris, October 6, 2000 -- Patrick Koller joined Rhodia and is appointed President of the Polyamide Intermediates Enterprise, producer of polyamide 6.6 and adipic acid, within the Polyamide Division. Patrick Koller will replace Xavier Houzard who is taking another position in Rhodia.

Within the Rhodia group, the Polyamide division is the second world producer of polyamide. This division works primarly with the following markets : building, automobile, industry, clothing and sports and leisure.

41 years old, Patrick Koller holds a degree in engineering from Nancy School. He begins his career in Clecim as process engineer. After holding several positions like Product Manager and OEM Director in different subsidiaries of Mannesmann group, Patrick joins Valeo Group in 1994. Successively, he was in charge of Key customers based in Germany, Division Director based in the UK and OEM Tourism Europ Enterprise Director.

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