Ticona First Plastics Producer to Evaluate MuCell(TM) Microcellular Foam Molding
Ticona, the technical polymers business of Celanese AG (NYSE: CZ), began operating its new equipment for microcellular foam molding during August at its technical center in Kelsterbach, Germany. Ticona is the first plastics producer to test the new gas-injection process on its own. Ticona now is offering plastics processors the opportunity to evaluate their products using its MuCell(TM) molding equipment. Ticona molding experts are working cooperatively with customers to determine suitable plastics grades and processing conditions.
The MuCell(TM) microcellular foam molding process (licensed from Trexel, Inc./USA) may be used for a wide range of injection molded, extruded and blow molded products. MuCell molded parts contain millions of minute gas bubbles, require less material and are markedly lighter than conventional molded parts. Cycle times may be reduced and low warpage moldings produced with high precision.
To date Ticona has processed Fortron(R) 1140 L4 and Fortron 6165 A6 - two PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) grades - as well as Celanex(R) 2300 GV 1/30 PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) using its MuCell equipment. The injection molded parts obtained were rigorously tested.
In these trials Ticona learned that the maximum degree of foaming allowed without accompanying negative effects lies between five and ten percent, depending on the type of plastic. Ticona's MuCell molding trials yielded parts with reduced warpage and sink marks. These positive results are believed to result from the even after-pressure inherent to the MuCell process.
MuCell is an innovative injection molding technology, which has been tested many times with good results. Ticona is continuing fundamental trials to be able to advise the plastics processing industry regarding this exciting new technology. Based on the knowledge and application know-how gained so far, Ticona is pressing ahead developing special plastic grades and MuCell processing methods which should lead to significant cost reduction possibilities.
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