Sika acquires Protective Coatings business from DuPont


Sika will acquire the Protective Coatings business in Germany from DuPont, based in the USA. The unit supplies corrosion protective coatings and special coatings for protecting buildings. The parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The transaction, which is expected to be completed by year end, is subject to regulatory approval.

Together with the new technology and the Unitherm brand, Sika plans to gain strategically significant access to fire protection applications, a field that ideally complements Sika' traditional concrete and steel protection businesses.

According to the company, the new unit also provides a good fit in terms of geographic markets: While Sika Germany already has a strong position in the market segments corrosion and construction protection in its home market, DuPont Protective Coatings realizes most of its sales in these market segments outside of Germany.

Following the takeover, about 150 DuPont Protective Coatings employees, based mainly at the Vaihingen/Enz site in Germany, will join Sika.

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