Über Foresight Institute

Foresight Institute is a leading think tank and public interest organization focused on transformative future technologies. Founded in 1986 on a vision of coming revolutions in technology that will bring both great opportunities and great dangers, and including ideas of how to prepare for these technologies, its mission is to discover and promote the upsides, and help avoid the dangers, of nanotechnology, AI, biotech, and similar life-changing developments. Foresight is the primary force pushing for the kind of nanotechnology that will truly transform our future, from medicine to the environment to space settlement. This advanced form of nanotechnology has been variously called atomically precise manufacturing (APM), productive nanosystems, molecular manufacturing, or molecular nanotechnology, and should be distinguished from the bulk of current efforts in nanotechnology, which are focused on materials science and simple nanodevices. We follow and advocate the development of current nanotechnology and its application to pressing current needs, but our primary effort is to bring the vision and goal of developing advanced nanotechnology, or APM, to new audiences, including inspiring young researchers.

Fakten zu Foresight Institute
  • Branche : Chemie

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