Thermo Fisher Scientific


Analysis of battery electrolytes

On-Demand Webinare
47 min

Electrolyte plays a key role in transporting the positive lithium ions between the cathode and anode, and consequently the charging and discharging performance of the battery. Therefore, electrolyte composition needs to be checked for potential impurities to ensure high quality and performance of a battery. At the same time the electrolyte is also a sample type that allows the investigation of ageing processes, as degradation products from all components of the battery can accumulate within it over time. Depending on analytical challenge different analytical techniques can be applied to investigate the chemical compounds in the electrolyte, as for instance salts, ionic species, organic solvents, metals, and others.

Paul Voelker

Product Marketing Manager

Nicholas Warner

Product Specialist

Sukanya Sengupta

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Paul  Voelker Nicholas Warner Sukanya Sengupta

Paul Voelker, Nicholas Warner, Sukanya Sengupta

Analysis of battery electrolytes

On-Demand Webinare
47 min

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