Contract renewal signals continuing alliance between Drew Marine and Odfjell Seachem
Boonton, N.J. (USA) -- The Drew Marine Division of Ashland Specialty Chemical Company and Odfjell Seachem SA of Bergen, Norway, have renewed a business agreement for supply of Drew Marine’s tank-cleaning chemicals and worldwide technical support to Odfjell’s 70-vessel fleet.
The agreement covers the supply of both commodity chemicals and 12 special-purpose cleaners formulated to Odfjell’s specifications. The agreement affords both companies the economic benefits of delivery and storage of the formulated products in re-usable, stainless steel 1000-liter intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). Those containers also provide substantial safety and environmental advantages for Odfjell. In addition to minimizing the handling of chemicals by crew, use of IBCs eliminates the need for disposal of empty chemical drums. Drew Marine is making shipboard IBC deliveries to Odfjell vessels calling in Rotterdam, Singapore and Houston.
Drew Marine offers the industry a wide range of general purpose and specialized tank cleaners that ensures the ability to meet all cleaning challenges efficiently. Those products include alkaline cleaners for removing fat residues and animal, fish and vegetable oils. Mildly alkaline and non-alkaline cleaners are available for use in tanks with zinc silicate coatings. Drew Marine has also formulated numerous products utilizing advanced detergent systems for removing mineral oils, such as petroleum or coal-based "heavy" products, as well as chemicals, solvents and other difficult contaminants. Other specialized products are available for special needs, such as hydrocarbon-free cleaning prior to carrying high-purity cargoes, and high-purity nitrogen gas for purging, drying and blanketing.
Drew Marine’s comprehensive line of tank cleaners is backed by over 40 years of hands-on experience. Drew Marine engineers have expertise to assist vessel operators in making well-informed tank cleaning decisions. The full product line is available through the company’s worldwide distribution and support network.
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