QuestAir to supply second system to recover methane from biogas in Switzerland


QuestAir Technologies Inc. announced that it has received an order for a second M-3200 PSA system to recover pipeline grade methane from biogas generated by an anaerobic digester in Switzerland. Jonathan Wilkinson, President and CEO of QuestAir said that Verdesis Suisse SA has purchased QuestAir's system as part of a plant that will recover so-called 'biomethane' from biogas generated by the anaerobic digestion of agricultural and organic wastes at a site in Widnau, Switzerland.

"The Swiss Government has provided strong support for locally-sourced renewable energy through initiatives such as the 'Klimarappen' or 'climate cent' funding program, as well as direct tax breaks for Swiss utilities that supplement imported gas with locally-sourced biomethane."

The Widnau plant will be owned and operated by Biogasanlage Widnau AG. Product biomethane from the plant will be injected into the local natural gas distribution grid operated by GRAVAG Erdgas AG, a Swiss gas utility.

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