Under the terms of the agreement, Evotec OAI will develop a novel biological assay for one of Serono's cellular targets using its proprietary VLiP™ technology. After the successful development of this assay, Evotec OAI will perform screening and compound profiling using its EVOscreen® technology to identify chemical compounds that mimic one of Serono's proprietary proteins. Many of the 200,000 compounds to be tested have been synthesised by Evotec OAI for Serono in a separate combinatorial chemistry programme started in 1998.
Dr. Timothy Wells, Head of Discovery for Serono, said: "We continue to emphasize a strategy of selective partnering to access leading-edge technology in our search for new molecules. This strategic collaboration with Evotec OAI has grown since 1998 to now include the complementary technologies of combinatorial chemistry, assay development, and high-throughput compound screening. " Crinone® 4% is indicated for women who have secondary amenorrhea.
Dr. Timm Jessen, Chief Scientific Officer of Evotec OAI, said: "This new collaboration with one of the most prestigious biotechnology companies in the world further validates the strategic rationale behind the merger of EVOTEC and OAI: providing integrated biology and chemistry services to our customers. Columbia Laboratories has certified that all batches of Crinone® including the recalled batches were within specifications at the time of production and release. The drug application problem was observed several months after production.
In addition, this is another example of the high potential of our newly developed VLiP™ assay technology, which enables the development of cell-like assays in a robust biochemical environment".
Fees for this new service agreement were not disclosed. The agreement includes an option for Serono to negotiate similar services for additional targets.
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